Past Tense English Languange

Past Tense


English is the international language. By mastering English well, then we will be able to communicate with other nations in this world. In addition, we will also be able to add insight and our knowledge. But speaking English is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand because there are many structures in the English learning system such as grammar, tenses, etc. Not many people who learn English understand and know correctly what are tenses, kinds etc.
In this paper we will discuss several tenses namely "Present Perfect Tense and Future Tense" to deepen our knowledge of tenses and their explanations.

The formulation of the problems we found in making this paper are:
1. What is meant by Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense
2. When are Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense used?
3. How do the formulas / rules make the Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense sentences?

1. To find out the Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense.
2. To find out when the Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense are used.
3. To find out how the formula / rules make the Present Perfect Tense and Past Tense sentences.


Studying English Tenses is a basic thing that must be really mastered in order to be fluent in English. Basically, there are three happy tenses in English namely Present Tense, past tense, and future tense. The third division of tense is very important in English Grammar. Therefore, in this article we will discuss about the full understanding, usage, formulas and examples of past tense.
·         Simple Past Tense
Past tense is a verb that serves to indicate a work or action that has passed or happened in the past. Therefore, the Past sentence must be followed by the description of the past word. It could have happened yesterday, a year ago, a month ago, etc.
Past Tense formula
a.       Positive (+) S + V2 + O / C
b.      Negative (-) S + Did + Not + V1 + O / C
c.       Introgative (?) Did + S + V2 + O / C +?
Note: S = subject, V = verb, O / C = object / complement
Past tense
(+) He swam in the sea yesterday
(+) Diaberenang di lautkemarin
(-) He didn't swim in the sea yesterday
(-) Diatidakberenang di lautkemarin
(?) Did he swim in the sea yesterday?
(?) Apakahdiaberenang di lautkemarin?

Past Tense is used to talk about actions that have taken place before now. An action that occurred in the past which is always in the sentence structure using verb 2 and past words.
Past tense
LuanaMartri sailed to PekanBaru last month
My teacher edited last year
He lived in Bandung since 2005
Diatinggal di bandungsejak 2005
We crossed the river crossing yesterday

There are some irregular verbs in past tense. Here are a few examples.
He went to a pub last night
Diapergike pub malamtadi
Did he go to the mall last night?
Apakahdiapergike mall malamtadi?
He didnt go to bed early last night

·         Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense is a verb that serves to express a work or action that is ongoing in the past or past. Usually the past continuous sentence is juxtaposed with the past tense sentence.
Past Continuous Tense formula
a.       Positive (+) S + To be (was / were) + V-ing + O / C
b.      Negative (-) S + To be (was / were) + Not + V-ing + O / C
c.       Introgative (?) To be (was / were) + S + V-ing + O / C +?
Note: S = subject, V = verb, O / C = object / complement
Past continuous tense
(+) They were playing badminton yesterday
(+) Merekasedangbermain badminton kemarin
(-) They were not playing tennis yesterday
(-) Merekasedangtidakbermain badminton kemarin
(?) Were they playing badminton yesterday?
(?) Apakahmerekasedangbermain badminton kemarin

Past Continous explains the actions or events that occurred before now, which began in the past and are still ongoing at the time of the conversation. In other words, this tense expresses an action that has not been completed or incomplete in the past.
·          Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is a verb that functions to show the work or action that has been completed in the past or past. Usually the past perfect tense is juxtaposed with the past tense sentence or with the past future perfect tense sentence in the Conditional Type 3 formula.
Past Perfect Tense formula
a.       Positive (+) S + Have / Has + V3 + O / C
b.      Negative (-) S + Have / Has + Not + V3 + O / C
c.       Introgative (?) Have / Has + S + V3 + O / C +?
Note: S = subject, V = verb, O / C = object / complement
Perfect tense
(+) You had come to my last night's ceremony
(+) Kamutelahdatangkeacarakusemalam

(-) You didn't come to the last night ceremony
(-) Kamutelahtidakdatangkeacarakusemalam
(?) Had you come to my last night's ceremony?
(?) Datangkahkamukeacarakusemalam?

Past perfect leads to an earlier time than now. This is used to indicate an event occurred before other events in the past. It is not really necessary which events are mentioned at the beginning, the use of tense will explain which ones occur at the beginning.
In the example below. Event A is what happened at the start and event B that happened after:
Event A Event B
1.      John had gone out when I arrived at the office.
2.      I had saved my document before the computer crashed.
3.      When they arrived we had already started cooking.
4.      He was very tired because he hadnt slept well.

·         Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous tense is a verb that functions to express an event or action that has been done but is still or being done in the past or the past.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense formula
a.       Positive (+) S + Had + Been + V-ing + O / C
b.      Negative (-) S + Had + Not + Been + V-ing + O / C
c.       Introgative (?) Had + S + Been + V-ing + O / C +?
Note: S = subject, V = verb, O / C = object / complement

Example of Past Perfect Continuous Tense:
(+) He had been writing a resignation letter
(-) He had not been writing a resignation letter
(?) Had He been writing a resignation letter?
Past perfect continues relates to present perfect continuous but with an earlier time reference. The use of tense is because we are more interested in the process.
Past tense has 4 types (simple past tense, past perfect tense, past continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense) all of which relate to events in the past along with how early the event occurred. This is necessary to clarify events in the past. Then, that's the discussion about using past tense which includes formulas, functions and examples of past tense.



3.1. Conclusion

Past tense divided into 4 which is:
1.      Simple past tense
2.      Past continuous tense
3.      Pastt perfect tense
4.      Past perfect continuous tense
Studying English Tenses is a basic thing that must be really mastered in order to be fluent in English. Basically, there are three happy tenses in English namely Present Tense, past tense, and future tense. The third division of tense is very important in English Grammar. Therefore, in this article we will discuss about the full understanding, usage, formulas and examples of past tense.
Past tense has 4 types (simple past tense, past perfect tense, past continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense) all of which relate to events in the past along with how early the event occurred. This is necessary to clarify events in the past. Then, that's the discussion about using past tense which includes formulas, functions and examples of past tense.


3.2.  Sugesstion

                        Simple past is used for ords or sentences that signify the past or have passed.

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