Strategy In Teaching Vocabulary
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Teaching Vocabulary |
A. Background
is an international language. It can help us to communicate to foreigners. It can
also help us to looking for a job, because now some company need an employee
who is able to speak English.Being able to speak English or understand English
speaker doesn’t mean that you have to mastering grammar. It is actually
important, but the most important thing is the vocabulary knowledge.
there were a news said that the curriculum in Indonesia will be changed. The
new minister, NadiemMakarim said that English lesson will be deleted for high
school curriculum. English lesson will be taught in elementary school only.
English lesson here means the ability to speak not the grammar. If this
curriculum is implemented, ready or not elementary school teacher are required
to have English language skill. At least, they are able to speak in English in
order that they can teach the students. But, they won’t be able to speak if
they know nothing about vocabulary.
said that “without grammar, little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing
can be conveyed”. The statement show how important vocabulary is in learning
English. So in this paper, there will be an explanation about the purpose of
learning vocabulary and the strategy in teaching vocabulary.
orang asing.BahasaInggrisjugadapatmembantukitadalammencaripekerjaan,
karenasaatinibeberapaperusahaanmembutuhkanpegawai yang
bisaberbahasaInggris.UntukdapatberbicaradenganbahasaInggrisataumengerti yang
dikatakanpembicara, bukanberartikamuharusmenguasai grammar.Grammar
sebenarnyapenting, tapihal yang paling pentingadalahpengetahuantentangkosakata.
Belakangan, adaberita yang
mengatakanbahwakurikulum di Indonesia akandiganti. MenteriPendidikan yang baru,
NadiemMakarimmengatakanbahwapelajaranbahasaInggrisakandihilangkan di SMA dan
SMP. PelajaranbahasaInggrishanyaakandiajarkan di SD.
bukankemampuantatabahasa. Apabilakurikuluminidiberlakukan, siapatautidak guru
SD diharuskanuntukmemilikikemampuanberbahasaInggris.Setidaknya, merekabisaberbicaradalambahasaInggris.Tetapi,merekatidakakanbisaberbicaraapabilamerekatidakmengetahuitentangkosakata.
Wilkins mengatakanbahwa “tanpa grammar,
sedikit yang bisadiungkapkan, tanpakosakata, tidakada yang bisadiungkapkan”.PendapattersebutmenunjukkanpentingnyakosakatadalambelajarbahasaInggris.Dalammakalahini,
B. Formula
for Problems
1. What
does vocabulary mean?
2. What
is the purpose of learning vocabulary?
3. What
is the obstacle in teaching vocabulary?
4. What
is the strategy in teaching vocabulary?
Apastrategi yang digunakandalammengajarkankosakata?
C. Purpose
1. To
find out the meaning of vocabulary.
2. To
find out the purpose of learning vocabulary.
3. To
find out the obstacle in teaching vocabulary.
4. To
find out the strategy in teaching vocabulary.
Untukmengetahuistrategi yang
is Vocabulary?
is a collection of words that are known by someone or are part of a particular
language. Vocabulary is a collection of words that really important to know and
usually arranged to make a sentence. A person’s knowledge of vocabulary is
generally considered as a picture of his/her intelligence or education level.
Kosakataadalahkumpulandaribeberapa kata
kata yang sangatpentinguntukdiketahuidanbiasanyadisusun agar membentuksebuahkalimat.Pengetahuanseseorangmengenaikosakataumumnyadianggapsebagaigambarandarikecerdasannyaatautingkatpendidikannya.
Purpose of Learning Vocabulary
1. Reading
comprehension, the purpose of learning vocabulary in reading comprehension is
to understand the literature. You have to know the meaning of the words to know
what the text is talking about.
kata-kata yang tertulisuntukmengetahuiapa yang dibahasdalambacaan.
2. Writing
skill, the purpose of learning vocabulary in writing skill is to help you
writing a sentence or a text in English. You won’t be able to write if you
don’t know vocabulary.The spelling of a word is also important here.
Ejaandarisebuah kata jugasangatpentingdalamhalini.
3. Speaking
skill, the purpose is to help you convey something. If you want to talk to
other person, vocabulary is really needed. You won’t be able to speak if you
know nothing about vocabulary. “Without grammar, little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed” Wilkins said.
orang lain, kosakatasangatlahdibutuhkan. AndatidakakanbisaberbicarajikaAndatidaktahutentangkosakata.
“tanpa grammar, sedikit yang bisadiungkapkan, tanpakosakata, tidakada yang
bisadiungkapkan” kata Wilkins.
4. Listening
skill, the purpose is to know what the speaker said. You won’t be able to know
what the speaker is talking about if you know nothing about vocabulary.
Pronunciation is also important because it’s different from the spelling.
tujuanmempelajarikosakataadalahuntukmengetahuiapa yang pembicarakatakan.
Andatidakakanbisamengetahuiapa yang dikatakanpembicaraapabilaAndatidakmengetahuikosakata.
So it can be conclude that
vocabulary knowledge is very important for language skill. Without knowing
vocabulary, you can’t improve your language skill.
Obstacle in Teaching Vocabulary
1. Student’s
laziness was one of the complex problems faced by the teacher, because this
problem came from student itself. But, the teacher couldn’t impose the student
to be diligent directly. The teacher had to find the problem solve that could
make the student became diligent by their self.
Kemalasansiswaadalahsalahsatumasalahsulit yang dihadapioleh
guru, karenamasalahinidatangdarisiswaitusendiri.Tapi, guru
tidakbisasecaralansungmemaksakansiswauntukrajin. Guru
harusmenemukancaramengatasimasalahtersebut yang bisamembuatsiswamenjadirajin.
2. The
motivation of the student
The student
sometimes felt enthusiastic to study, but they also felt bored in the teaching
learning process. So, the duty of the teacher is to create a fun way in
teaching so the student will be excited in learning.
tapimerekajugakadangmerasabosandalam proses belajarmengajar. Jadi, tugas guru
adalahmembuatmetode yang menyenangkandalammengajar agar
3. The
negative impact of technology
The student
sometimes disturbed by their smartphone when they are learning. When the phone
ringing, they will lose their focus and play the phone all the time.
Strategy in Teaching Vocabulary
student has different way to learn. So here are some strategies that can be
used in teaching vocabulary.
Berikutadalahbeberapastrategi yang bisadigunakanuntukmengajarkosakata.
1. Games
A game is an
activity with rules, a goal, and a sense of pleasure. The most important
reasons for using games is that it’s enjoyable for both student and teacher. It
can also make the classroom atmosphere more colorful and the student won’t feel
bored so the lesson will easier to understand. Example, the teacher
demonstrates an occupation and the student asked to guess what occupation it
Permainanadalahaktivitas yang didalamnyaadaaturan,
tujuan, dan rasa kesenangan.Alasanmengapapermainanitupentingadalahkarenapermainanmembuatsiswadan
Contohnya, guru memperagakansebuahpekerjaandanparasiswadimintauntukmenebaknamapekerjaan
yang diperagakan.
2. Reading
The student can
improve their vocabulary knowledge by read their favorite book. The more books
they read, the more vocabulary they know. Example, the teacher gives an assignment
to read students’ favoritebook and retell it in front of the class.
siswabisamengembangkanpengetahuankosakatamerekadenganmembaca novel
ataukomikkesukaanmereka.Semakinbanyakbuku yang dibaca,
semakinbanyakkosakatabaru yang diketahui.Contohnya guru
3. Watching
a movie
Teacher can play
a movie in the class and watch it together with the students. The movie should
be easy to understand and not complicated, so that the students will enjoy it.
By watching a movie the student will get new vocabulary by listening.
Guru memutarkansebuah film di kelasdanmenonton film
tersebutbersamaparasiswa. Film tersebutsebaiknya film yang
gampangdimengertidantidakrumit, agar parasiswamenikmatinya.Denganmenonton film,
4. Sing
or listen to a song
The teacher can
play a song and sing it together with the students. This can make the class
atmosphere more cheerful and fun. A song can make the students feel happy and
doesn’t feel bored. By repeating the song, the students will memorize it and it
will improve their vocabulary knowledge.
memutarkansebuahlagudanmenyanyikannyabersamaparasiswa. Cara
inibisamembuatsuasanakelasmenjadilebih ceria
5. Making
a note
The teacher
should write in a small paper the name of every object in the class in English.
Example, the teacher writes in a small note and sticks it to the object. So
every time the students see the object, they will know the English name of it
and sooner or later they will memorize it.
Guru sebaiknyamenulis di
kertaskecilnama-namadarisetiapbendadikelasdalambahasaInggris. Contohnya, guru
menulis di kertaskecildanmenempelkertastersebut di setiapbenda.Jadi, setiap
kali parasiswamelihatbendatersebut,
merekaakanmengetahuibahasaInggrisdaribendatersebutdan lama
6. Synonym
and antonym
In this
strategy, the teacher asks the students to find out the synonym and the antonym
of a word. Example, the synonym of large is enormous and the antonym is small.
Dengancaraini, guru memintaparasiswauntukmenemukansinonimdanantonimdarisebuah
kata. Contohnya, sinonimdarilargeadalahenormousdanantonimnyaadalahsmall.
7. Fill
in the blank
In this
strategy, the teacher provided the students with an incomplete text and asked
the students to complete the text by selecting the words that have been
Dengancaraini, guru menyediakanbacaan yang
kata yang telahdisediakan.
A. Conclusion
Vocabulary is really important to learn.
Without grammar, little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed. Even though you are mastering grammar, it will useless if your
vocabulary is zero. Every student has their own way to learn, so use the right
method or strategy in teaching vocabulary.
sedikit yang bisadiungkapkan,tapitanpakosakatatidakada yang bisadiungkapkan.MeskipunAndamenguasai
grammar, haltersebutakansia-siaapabilapengetahuanAndamengenaikosakataadalah
nol. Setiapsiswamemilikicara yang
berbedadalambelajar, jadigunakanmetodeataustrategi yang
B. Suggestion
Besides vocabulary, there are a lot of
materials that have to be learnt to master in English. Vocabulary is the start
of this lesson. So after reading this paper, we hope that you can continue your
study and enjoy all the process.
adabanyaksekalimateri yang
kami harapAndabisamempelajarilebihdalamdanmenikmatisetiap proses yang dilewati.
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